Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Coming of Age"

We have just read three stories in which the narrator of each story loses the innocence of childhood and begins life as an adult. In "Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?," Paul watches a man die from fear. In "American History," Elena faces discrimination, and in "Marigolds," Lisbeth faces a world turned upside down because of poverty. Which of the three characters, in your opinion, which is more deeply changed? Give reasons for your opinion.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"What is Childhood?"

In the next story we will be reading, the character is trying to move from childhood to adolescence/adulthood. What are your thoughts about childhood?
What differentiates childhood from other times in your life?
In what ways are children idealistic and naïve? How/why/when does this change?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Reading about Jack and Katy, we realized that life is about choices and consequences. What options does Jack have? Does he have to continue down the same path? How do you imagine his life 10 years after this story ends?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"American History"

Write your thoughts about the story. How did Elena feel at the end of the story? Can you relate to how she feels? They call this a "coming of age story." How did Elena grow up?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"American History"

In this story, we learned about discrimination and its effect on Elena. In the beginning of the story, we talked about Elena's description of the people who lived in El building. Why did she use the words they, these? Why does she feel this way about her neighbors? (Think about the definition of flashback. Why did she flashback to her story about Eugene.)Answer the questions and tell me why you liked or disliked the story.

"The Hunger Games"

I decided to read the book because a friend recommended it. After reading the first few pages, I really didn't like it, but I continued reading. I fell in love with this book. The book was filled with conflict. Even though this book deals with a dystopian government, I related it to the TV show survivor. Although the game show doesn't deal with death, it has several similarities like alliances, lack of food, fighting the elements, and having a TV audience watching. I definitely will be reading the next book in the series.